LPC Hydration & Fueling Analysis:
Important Pre-test information
Step 3: Sign up:
Analysis Location:
Address: 298 Colonial Dr, Guelph ON N1L0G4
Enter via the Side Door, which provides direct access to the basement testing facility.
Call Coach Mark if you need directions or if you're running late: 519-803-2531
How to Prepare:
You should prepare for this analysis the same way you'd prepare for an important race or training session.
What to bring:
Specific to BIKE analysis:
Specific to RUN analysis:
Address: 298 Colonial Dr, Guelph ON N1L0G4
Enter via the Side Door, which provides direct access to the basement testing facility.
Call Coach Mark if you need directions or if you're running late: 519-803-2531
How to Prepare:
You should prepare for this analysis the same way you'd prepare for an important race or training session.
What to bring:
- The hydration and nutrition items you use regularly for training and racing (fluid, gels, etc etc).
- Heart rate monitor if you use one for training and racing
- Towel for drying yourself off after/between exercise
- iPod or other music device if you prefer listening to music
Specific to BIKE analysis:
- Race-day cycling outfit (shorts, top, helmet)
- Your bike and bike shoes. Preferably your back wheel is equipped with a trainer tire that is clean and dry.
- You do not need to bring your trainer: We will attach your bike to the Computrainer Lab in the testing facility.
Specific to RUN analysis:
- Race-day run outfit: shorts, singlet, hat, tri suit, etc.
- Running shoes