LPC Hydration & Fueling Analysis
What are my options for analysis?
What data is collected?
Evolving your plan:
Testing Location:
- If you are a cyclist: Choose the "Cyclist (bike only)" option. You will complete the analysis while cycling at your goal race intensity.
- If you are a runner: Choose the "Runner (run only)" option. You will complete the analysis while running at your goal race intensity.
- If you are a triathlete or duathlete: Choose the "Triathlete/Duathlete (bike and run)" option. You will bike at your goal race intensity, and then run at your goal race intensity. Sweat rate and sweat sodium loss can differ greatly between the two sports.
- For all options, you will hydrate and fuel as you normally would during your goal race: bring any hydration or fueling items with you that you normally use.
- For all options, you will exercise either inside or outside. If conditions outside are not similar to the conditions expected at your goal race, you will bike and run inside. Our lab is equipped with a Computrainer bike trainer and a treadmill.
What data is collected?
- Pre-exercise hydration level: A urine sample provided before exercise will determine if you are properly hydrated before exercise. Beginning exercise dehydrated (or over-hydrated) leads to decreased performance.
- Sweat rate and exercise hydration: We will determine how much sweat you lose while cycling and/or running at your goal race intensity. Sweat rate can vary greatly between individuals, and depends on your exercise intensity. We will also determine how well you hydrate during exercise.
- Sweat sodium concentration: You will be fitted with absorbent patches to measure sweat sodium concentration during exercise. Sweat sodium concentration can range from as little as 400mg per litre of sweat, to as much as 2000mg per litre.
- Carbohydrate intake: Depending on your sweat rate, fluid intake, sweat sodium concentration, and your current ability to take in carbohydrate, we will recommend a plan for carbohydrate intake.
Evolving your plan:
- You will receive a feedback sheet with recommendations for pre-exercise hydration, hydration and fueling during exercise, as well as electrolyte and carbohydrate intake during exercise. This will serve as your blueprint for continuing to adapt your plan. It is important that you realize it is not an exact prescription.
- You should continue to track your data during your training. You'll receive an individualized hydration & fueling worksheet, where you can track some of the same information that we collected during the testing, in order to continue to fine-tune your plan for race day.
Testing Location: